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You are strong!

In every difficult situation, I am reminded that I am strong, not because I think I am but because of the strength I see in myself. Sometimes I don’t believe I am strong but I definitely see it and I see hope in that strength. Too often depression tells me otherwise, that I have no…

Discrimination or bullying is never okay…

Whenever you face bullying or discrimination based on your sexuality, gender, race, mental illness, or disability/ condition I want you to know that you are not alone. It’s not easy, it’s painful and you tend to fall into depression because of it, I know I have. I have faced discrimination all my life and I…

The superhero

The world is so big, big in my view and I’m so invisible even to the small part of the world. Nobody wants to see me because I scare them off. It scares people when they encounter the “outcast” pushing us aside and hoping to ship us to a different planet perhaps Mars?But I’m here. I’m…


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