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You are strong!

In every difficult situation, I am reminded that I am strong, not because I think I am but because of the strength I see in myself. Sometimes I don’t believe I am strong but I definitely see it and I see hope in that strength. Too often depression tells me otherwise, that I have no strength but I see it. 

Maybe you are in a difficult situation and you think you are not strong, and maybe you don’t even feel strong but I want to encourage you to look for the strength that is in you because there is strength in you and when you see that strength you can keep on keeping on. You’re strong. Just keep moving forward even in baby steps. 

“Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. Let this be a sign that you’ve got a big heart and aren’t afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength.” —Brigitte Nicole

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Discrimination or bullying is never okay…

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If you enjoy my blogs or tweets or they have helped you in some way please consider buying me a coffee. 

Whenever you face bullying or discrimination based on your sexuality, gender, race, mental illness, or disability/ condition I want you to know that you are not alone. It’s not easy, it’s painful and you tend to fall into depression because of it, I know I have. I have faced discrimination all my life and I don’t think it’ll ever stop. People look down on me, reject me and disregard me and it’s painful. 

I could allow it to make me hard and bitter or I can use it to help me love people regardless if they deserve it or not. 

I know I’m different. I know people will always be mean and I know people will see me as unworthy and not good enough but I have to believe that I am enough and that I’m worthy. Worthy of love, worthy of friendship, worthy of someone’s time. 

If I don’t believe this I know that God does, he sees me worthy and he loves me. I am enough for him and I hold on to that. It’s hard to think that he loves me but I have to keep saying it until I believe it. 

People react a certain way and it’s okay, we don’t need to judge them but it’s not a reflection of us. It says a lot about their heart. 

Bullying or discrimination is never okay and there’s a time to step back. Stepping back doesn’t mean you don’t love the person or you’re giving up on them. It means you value your mental health more. It’s vital to stand your ground. 

Here are some important tips to help you stand your ground and still show you still willing to work through the relationship. 
1. Explain to the person what they have done, explain they have hurt you, and explain discrimination or bullying is never okay. Give them a chance to work on these issues but if they continue with discrimination and bullying then choose to step back till you see improvement. Even if it’s small, Even the tiniest improvement matters. 

2. Explain to the person what you value and what’s important for you in a relationship. For example, if being open and honest is important then make this clear. 

3. Never ever believe someone who says they are too busy. Nobody is too busy to text you, call you or spend time with you. Especially if they make time for others. Make it clear what you want and if they can’t give you this, accept it. Yes, it’s painful but it’s even more painful being someone’s dog. Begging for someone’s attention. If they love and care enough they will make time for you regardless. 

4. If someone is remembering all your faults and keeps throwing them at you, remind them that you have so much good and remind them to remember the good. Remind them to see you as God sees you. If they continue to speak badly of you or your struggles, step back and be around people who do see the best in you. It’s important to be around people who remind you of your good and how awesome you are. 

Discrimination and bullying is never okay. You are important and you deserve people who will love you and accept you. You deserve people who will see your worth and make time for you. Never ever settle for second best. You are special and loved. Never ever forget that. 

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The superhero

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If you enjoy my blogs or tweets or they have helped you in some way please consider buying me a coffee. 

The world is so big, big in my view and I’m so invisible even to the small part of the world. Nobody wants to see me because I scare them off. It scares people when they encounter the “outcast” pushing us aside and hoping to ship us to a different planet perhaps Mars?But I’m here. I’m here and visible. How can I dance and be seen? How can I sing and be heard? How can I make an impact and be felt? 

Just how can the outcast be included in society? How do we become blind to labels and vision the outcast differently? 

I want to talk to someone and paint my views on a wall of china beautiful and seen. I want to express my views in a vision of in-depth articles and be heard.  I want to run the race and jump over every obstacle with the support of loved ones and be praised for my response of never giving up even if it’s raining but most people never run in the rain. 

I’m not most people and that’s the problem for many. I want to be loyal even in the mud wars, even if I’m chained to the tree and people are throwing rocks at me, I still want to love them, even when they choose to break my body part by part, I still want to love them. Even when they choose to tape my mouth shut I still want to love them. Even when they choose to place me in a box and place judgment on me I still want to love them. 
True love never gives up and I believe in that but it seems like I’m one of the very few people who believe this so what’s wrong with me? 

Perhaps nothing. Perhaps by being an outcast, I’m actually a superhero trying to save the world but the world doesn’t want to be saved. To many people are drowning but when someone dives into the sea to recuse them the person drowning fights the person from saving them.  Some people want it their way and some people are too picky. They want a certain group to save them. 

Superheroes are always disliked and mistreated and misunderstood. Superheroes are never appreciated even when they want to make a difference and change the world and perhaps I shouldn’t see myself as an outcast… Perhaps I am a superhero and where the world only sees a mask but doesn’t see what’s within and behind that mask and there’s nothing I can do about that but keep being me.

God loves ALL people!

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God has been so gentle with me when it comes to my sexuality and he’s so loving yet throughout pride month I’ve seen so many Christians online and in the news hating people within the lgbtqia+ community and showing no love. I wonder if they really know God? Because God is love.
(1 John 4.8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.) 

I’ve read so many horrible things and I’ll like to write who I know God to be because these so-called Christians and pastors are spreading a wrong view of God and I’ll like to share who I know God to be. 

(1 John 4:16 
So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. )

God has love for us. For all people. It does not say God has love only for a certain group of people. It clearly says God has love for us but we need to believe this. We need to believe he has love for us. 

( John 3:16 
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” ) 

God loved the world so much! That he gave his only son for who? For the world! For you! For everyone! Why? Because God loves you so much!

( Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 

Romans 3:23 
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. ) 

How beautiful is this? That ALL have fallen short of God’s glorious standards and because we ALL have fallen short God sent his only son to die for ALL!

( Zephaniah 3:17 Amplified Bible
“The LORD your God is in your midst, A Warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with joy; He will be quiet in His love [making no mention of your past sins], He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.

New Living Translation
For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. )

God is a mighty saviour and he will take delight in YOU with gladness, with his love he will calm all your fears!

This is the God I have come to know and I want EVERYONE to know who he REALLY IS! 

( Psalm 34:8
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!) 
The Lord is good and I don’t know where some of these people coming from creating this horrible picture of God but God is a good God and he loves you! He loves all of us! EVERYONE! 

( Psalm 145:9 The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.) 

Remember this, when you see something negative about God in the news or online that is a lie. God isn’t this dude going around hating people or throwing stones. As Jesus said to those people wanting to stone a woman in ( John 8:7 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!”)
So let’s not judge people. Let’s go around spreading the love because that’s what Jesus did and when someone comes at you to judge you just send them to John 8:1-11

Until the next blog! Stay strong and remember God loves you!

Dear God…

Dear God, oh wait what should I call you? Jesus? The holy spirit? The father? Okay, Dear the mighty one that does not make sense… Yes, you Lord you don’t make sense. I use to think that I needed to speak to you out loud and in a religious way but now I know I can just write love letters to you… I hope that’s okay because I want to fall in love with you like those around me, I just don’t know if that will help me know you love me too, that you are in love with me too. 

I do love you but I want to love you more, I want to dance with you and in the mountains. Just me and you, forever and ever, dancing our way through the beauty of mountains, singing together and laughing because sometimes I just don’t even know what laughing sounds like but you are teaching me this, because laughing isn’t just a sound, it’s a joy within and Lord I want that joy. 

I never knew joy and now it’s filling me and that scares me but it’s wonderful!

Wonderful like you Lord who is the creator of all wonderful things. You lord are the one I want because nothing else is enough only you. 

I use to cry for days for people who gives up on me or hurt me and now you take my tears and turn them into a sunshine of hope because you are my hope. 

If only I could call you a father but I’m not there yet and that’s okay because you’re a gentleman and you don’t force things on me. I use to fear you but now I turn to you. 

How I can sing to you? Should I sing Christian songs to you? I don’t like many of them and they can’t sing what I feel, maybe I should start singing love songs to you like “bleeding love” 

( Trying hard not to hear, but they talk so loud

Their piercing sounds fill my ears, try to fill me with doubt

Yet I know that their goal is to keep me from falling, hey, oh

But nothing’s greater than the rush that comes with your embrace

And in this world of loneliness, I see your face

Yet everyone around me thinks that I’m going crazy

Maybe, maybe) 

Oh, how beautiful is this song! Oh, how beautiful are you, Lord! You cut me open and I’m bleeding and perhaps I will start to bleed but with love. Maybe for the first time in my life, I am truly loved and perhaps it’s time to allow it. 

Love I want to be loved! I want to experience every part of it! I want to truly know it and perhaps Lord this is a new beginning of something crazy because what’s happening is indeed crazy but you Lord are worthy. Worthy enough for me to fall madly in love with you. 

Lots of love… 

You wonderful child because I know I’m wonderful and I know I’m your favorite and I know you have my back… Okay, now lots of love… 

Your wonderful child… Oh, wait one more thing… I forgot to tell you something… 

You are the love of my life. 

Your wonderful child… 

It’s pride month! Choose Love!

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It’s pride month!

In light of pride month, I wanted to write a blog, and what better way to start the month with a blog post!

Pride month has so much history to it and so if you do not know the history of it please read about it but that isn’t the purpose of this blog. 

To many of those within the LGBTQIA+ community have faced so much hate and stigma from those within the Christian community. Many churches are bashing people down and using the bible to justify their actions. They use the bible to hurt people instead of using the bible to uplift people. Many people have thrown stones at people who are different from them and it needs to stop.

It doesn’t stop at those within the LGBTQIA+ community. People who have a mental illness or who have a disability also face hate and judgment from those within the Christian church, Anyone who is different is outcast and that’s not Jesus’s heart for us.

Instead, the church should be a home for all. A safe environment to grow and love one another and encourage one another and focus on the love of Christ but we have so many people focusing on things Jesus didn’t even focus on.

To many people want nothing to do with God or know of him because of this. The church should be bringing people to God but instead they making people run away from God and closing their hearts off from any opportunity to know his love.

To every person who has been mistreated by the Christian church because of your sexuality, I want you to know God loves you and he wants a relationship with you.
To every person who has been mistreated by the Christian church because of your disability or mental illness I want you to know God loves you and wants a relationship with you.

To every Christian who keeps throwing stones at those within the LGBTQIA+ community remember that the bible says we must encourage and uplift one another. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Remember Jesus went around loving on people and not once did he throw a rock at someone. Let everyone live like Jesus and let every person on earth know the love of Christ and that he is a loving father. 

Every person regardless of their sexuality or disability or mental illness is loved by Christ. Every person needs to know this. That they are loved!

You are not weak because you have a mental illness or you have a disability.
You are not faithless.

You are not unworthy of God’s love because of your sexuality. You are worthy and he loves you so much, don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise!
Perhaps you want nothing to do with God because you believe he doesn’t love you, perhaps you want nothing to do with God because you have been church hurt. Perhaps you are just fearful of him. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

I want to encourage you to search for the truth. To give God a chance and get to know him personally, not through people but through a personal relationship. I want to strongly encourage you that even if you are hurting and closed off to not give up, keep opening that bible. Keep listening to worship music. Keep praying and keep trying. All is not lost. You are not too far gone. You are worthy of his time.

If you don’t know God and want to get to know him or have a personal relationship with him please reach out to me and I’ll love to pray with you and encourage you in the word of God!

I have found that even while I struggle with many things the church may throw rocks at me for; Jesus doesn’t throw rocks at me. He’s a gentleman and he is gentle. He doesn’t force himself on to you. Know this. Know he is waiting for you.

He loves you so much!

Remember to show love to one another and to always give grace to those who may not deserve it. It’s grace that sets us free and helps us know the truth. Grace and love are always the answer.

Much love!

bible verses to meditate on:

1 Peter 4:8-10 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:

Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Ephesians 1:4-6
How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.

The words I can not speak…

Sometimes I like to express myself in a poetry way in writing and this is one of those times… So enjoy!

Religion is what killing me, all these rules, chaining me to the ground sinking me to my death bed…If only I could talk and shout out what I really feel, what’s really going inside of me but instead I sting people around me with my everlasting anger only pushing them away to a land of far far away….far away from me and maybe that’s for the best…Because no one can love me anyway, because of this book they carry around swinging it into my dead soul ever leading me to a sea of waves, waves of lies bashing me down to the deep end…Perhaps there is no truth, perhaps we all told a lie, just so the kings can control us and tell us how we should live our lives…Just for once, I want to be free, I want to sail off to the land of dreams, dancing my way through tacos and basketball games, and perhaps I could become a basketball star hitting the hoop with my live heart which can never be wiped away by religion…Maybe the curse of the family is on me…Maybe I am ending up like the cousin who somehow escaped all of this… Maybe I can’t escape, maybe I am stuck in a hole full of bars with lies cheering me to live a life full of rocks… Maybe my own sword of hell will kill me…Maybe I’ll never ever be able to speak…Words I can not speak…The pressure on being someone I am not is too much, The pressure with this big secret I have been bearing for far too long is killing me but that’s what religion does… Takes a hold of you and kills everything living in you…Can I just speak…Can I just be me…How can I love the person everyone is trying to kill with their rules stocking up the doors of punishment… Punishing me for being a human being, for having emotions for having a heart perhaps I no longer have a heart perhaps I am dead and I am a ghost living a dead life perhaps it’s too late for me to find freedom…Perhaps…I am talking too much…..

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